Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Pork roast


  • 3 fires killing 15,000 hogs in just over a month; 22,000 this year in four fires? (1 2 3 4)


Turning the screws on an industry already hit by a high Canadian dollar....

update: I just realized I ripped off the title of this post from a NewWinnipeg thread (pretty much). Tip of the hat to StBPegger

update #2: much more on this over at PITT


  1. You beat me to the punch on this....I was going to blog about this....there is some funny businesss going on...and there have been more fires that you have posted. If you know a little about how they wire barns as well, which I do, it's pretty hard to have a electrical fire. It makes other farmers look bad.

  2. Don't let me stop you from posting about this. I'm guessing more people read your blog than mine. :-)

  3. The thing with many new hog barns, even thought there are no standards, the way they are wired make it hard for them to burn by bad wiring.

  4. So two Manitoba pork farmers meet in Florida during the winter:

    Farmer one .....I had such a tough year - big fire.....lost everything....fortunately we had insurance

    Farmer two ..... I had such a tough year - big flood ....lost everything....fortunately we had insurance

    Farmer one do you make a flood?
