Sunday, 3 April 2011

Debate debate

I love that 25% of people don't think the PM should be in the leaders' debate:

- fp -

25% of people also don't think the official opposition should be part of the debate. This just proves my theory that people are too dumb to vote. We should appoint William Shatner as Tsar and be done with elections.


If you're wondering when I'll get to some real election punditry: probably not for a couple weeks. I'm saving up some energy for the Manitoba budget, but free time might be a factor for reasons that I can't get into here. Meanwhile, I'll be watching Harpo and Iggy and Gimpy out of the corner of my eye. I might even work on a new cartoon of the boys.

I'll be in touch...


  1. What it proves is that people are apathetic, and with good reason. Voting is the minimalist of effort in social change, it is practically the same as doing nothing.

  2. I think the 24% of people who voted Green in the poll refused to vote for anyone else out of spite (or didn't understand that you could actually pick more than one party).

  3. 21% said any candidate. Assuming they were all too lazy to select everyone else (As it sort of works as an ALL OF THE ABOVE + EVERYONE ELSE type question) then you could realistically say only 4% think the conservatives and liberals shouldn't be allowed.

  4. Love the Shatner idea. Shall we call his rise to power "Tsar Trek"?

  5. I think all party leaders should be in the debate.

  6. @ Prairie: and we could call the speech from the throne: "S#*! My Tsar Says".

    @ Jim. ALL leaders, regardless of popular vote or no. of candidates? You could end up with 50 people in the debate.

    BTW: Welcome back to the Bloggosphere! I still think you're nuts for buying gold.

  7. Cherenkov has it right. There should be a skill testing question before you can vote. Better yet, if you paid no taxes last year, you don't get to vote. Why should net recipients of tax dollars be permitted to vote for the amount they receive?
