With a little bit of help from production floor staff at the Anybody Want A Peanut t-shirt factory, we have selected the winners:
Shaun Wheeler
Manitoba: Because we've all woken up in a strange place after a night of drinking
Runner up: Reed Soloman
The Manitoba Government's plan to kill Purple Loosestrife with a controlled release of Polar Bears got off to a rocky start today when instead of destroying the weed in a fit of rage, the Polar Bears frolicked and later attacked the cameraman in a drunken stupor. When asked how it will deal with the increased population of Polar Bears, conservation Minister Bill Blaikie replied "That's when we release the genetically engineered velociraptors. It's all a part of the circle of life.
Reed gets points for most elaborate caption, plus I like the part about the genetically engineered velociraptors. Congratulations, dudes. Your tickets will be in the mail as soon as I know where to send them.
We sincerely thank all people who entered. I think this was fun, and there were a lot of good entries. I will definitely do it again if somebody else sends me swag.
Thanks also to Eugene and Cineplex Movies.
Welcome to the first ever Anybody Want A Peanut caption contest!
I have some summer movie / IMAX 3D passes to give away courtesy of the nice folks over at Cineplex Entertainment. Rather than randomly giving away tickets, I thought I should make you work for your movie, and I found my inspiration when I visited the Manitoba Government website http://www.gov.mb.ca/
I am sure that a full 0.000001% of Manitobans have seen a polar bear in a meadow of purple flowers, so it is certainly an appropriate picture to represent our province. As soon as I saw it I began thinking of captions, like:
I think you can do better. Send me your captions, and I'll pick some winners and send them a couple tickets. You can leave your caption in the comments of this post or you can send me an email at cherenkov *at* live.com, but make sure I have some way to get a hold of you.
The contest closes on
update: purely by accident, I stumbled upon the ad agency that created this web page: McKim Cringan George. They also did the new City of Regina logo that I mentioned a couple months ago, and a bunch of other stuff you would recognize, like the very cool Folk Festival posters.
I know my keys are here somewhere!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot to mention: people with the initials GG aren't eligible. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe Manitoba Government's plan to kill Purple Loosestrife with a controlled release of Polar Bears got off to a rocky start today when instead of destroying the weed in a fit of rage, the Polar Bears frolicked and later attacked the cameraman in a drunken stupor. When asked how it will deal with the increased population of Polar Bears, conservation Minister Bill Blaikie replied "That's when we release the genetically engineered velociraptors. It's all a part of the circle of life".
ReplyDelete"This is getting ridiculous now. I knew I should have brought that club"
ReplyDeleteIn a bid to gain arable land, the Manitoba government recently began teaching agriculture to a group of polar bears. While they insisted on planting native crops with no cash value, the government still deems the project a success.
ReplyDeleteThe purple pumpernickle - no purple rod - has struck again - obviously this was not vetted through cabinet communication or the field would have been orange
ReplyDeleteThese flowers will taste great with my berries.
ReplyDeleteManitoba: Because we've all woken up in a strange place after a night of drinking.
ReplyDelete(it was either that or a climate change joke)
ReplyDeleteNewWinnipeg seems to have closed. Is there any clear contender for a replacement? I was planning on a get-together in August. How should I go about contacting people?
ReplyDeleteHi Gabriel. Good to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteShaun Wheeler/Conceited Jerk who commented right before you on this thread wrote a good blog post about it. It's a good question though: how do we avoid losing contact with everybody? I don't know any of the mods personally so can't contact them for email addresses, and they probably wouldn't give them up anyway.
I think most people on NW were aware of this blog ... I could create a NW get-together (funeral/wake?) post and see who responds. Not sure what else to do. Ideas?
there's an Orange Rod hiding in here somewhere...
ReplyDeleteThe secret tunnel from the Polar Bear Enclosure to the Assinniboine Park English Garden was recently discovered. Sadly, a gardener is being sat on in the picture.
ReplyDeleteLook we are an NDP friendly advertising agency and we can show them anything and they will give us GOBS of taxpayer money for it!
ReplyDelete@RM: thinking outside the box ... I like it! Not sure it would make a great caption though.
ReplyDeleteSo, who won???
ReplyDeleteYou should give me the tickets anyway!
I'd like to thank God, Allah, Kami-sama, and just to be safe, Odin.
ReplyDeleteCheren, I'm on holidays next week. Beer?
Curses! I didn't realize you changed the deadline! Here's my entry anyway: "Well, I suppose this is *slightly* more likely to happen then Coke having me play with penguins, but still about one in a million" I have given myself an honorable mention :)
ReplyDeleteOops. Sorry for changing the deadline like that. I was leaving town for a bit and decided I wanted to get it done before I left. I'll give you an honourable mention too.
ReplyDeleteI'd thank Satan, but the agreement was for me to win, not place runner up. Always with the tricks, that guy. On the bright side I get to keep my soul.