Friday, 29 April 2011
Tangerine Wheat Beer
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Labels: Booze
Friday, 22 April 2011
Revolution fatigue? *UPDATED*
Remember Egypt? Remember the protests? Remember the 'round the clock news coverage? Anderson Cooper looking as handsome as ever, even when he was getting pelted in the head?
At least 88 people are reported to have been killed in Syria in the bloodiest day since the uprising began, as security forces use live ammunition and tear gas to quell anti-government protests across the country
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Labels: mainstream media, priorities, revolution
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Winnipeg's new NHL team unveiled

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Labels: NHL, sports, Winnipeg Jets, wish list
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Who's donating to who?
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Labels: politics, Wasting Time
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Modest tax cuts? How about 10th consecutive tax increase?
Not increasing the tax brackets is just as real a tax increase as actually increasing the tax rate, friends, and in fact for most people this "hidden" increase far outweighs the "modest tax cut" that you'll hear about in the news. If you make $50,000 and you get a modest 2% cost of living increase, you will pay $127.50 more in taxes due to the bracket creep. According to my calculations, which I am willing to share with you, anybody who makes more than $25,000 will pay more tax next year than last year, independent of the miscellaneous credits.
related: budget commentary from some people you may know
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Labels: economics, government ineptness, Manitoba
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Debate: quick impressions
Layton looked good. Some pre-debate face airbrushing going on there. Didn't think he made much of an impact though. NDP supporters will think he did great -- and he didn't do bad -- but most of what he said was just swatted aside like a bug.
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Labels: I hate elections, Iggy, Let's burn Ottawa to the ground, Stephen Harper
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Provincial Income Tax Comparo
Hi there. With the Manitoba budget coming down this week, I thought it might be a nice idea to have a chart of how our provincial personal income taxes stack up against the other provinces. You know, just for reference purposes.
source: CRA &
The comparison excludes Quebec because they do their own thing, and PEI because they are too small to matter. No offense. I'm sure PEI is a very nice province; I just don't see them stealing any head office jobs from us anytime soon (although two of their three tax rates are lower than Manitoba's too.)
related: caring for the lower class
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Friday, 8 April 2011
Connect Caption Contest - Jack Layton
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Labels: Jack Layton
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Poor Jack Layton

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Labels: cartoon blogging, Jack Layton
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
11 Japan 11
Found this picture on the 'net. Thought I might share...Click to see full size.
Artist's explanation:
Tsunami project:
If this art is chosen, this will be sell in auctions (August 30, 2011, Arludik gallery, Paris) -> 100 % will be reversed to GIVE2ASIA.
Explanations on symbolic details:
+Blood on her breast symbolizes Japan
+A flower of hope is growing on her kimono
+I was inspired by Tsunami wave by the artist Hokusai, well known piece
+the golden sky behind the grey skies in the upper part of the picture, symbolizes hope.
With all the coverage of the problems at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, you ought to remember that the tsunami had the greatest impact, and still does. Over 12,000 dead and 15,000 missing from the earth quake and tsunami.* Fukushima: 0 dead and 0 missing. Possibly the greatest tragedy about Fukushima is that it's diverting attention away from the real tragedy.
*source: BBC
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Labels: Japan, we're all going to die
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Debate debate
I love that 25% of people don't think the PM should be in the leaders' debate:
25% of people also don't think the official opposition should be part of the debate. This just proves my theory that people are too dumb to vote. We should appoint William Shatner as Tsar and be done with elections.
If you're wondering when I'll get to some real election punditry: probably not for a couple weeks. I'm saving up some energy for the Manitoba budget, but free time might be a factor for reasons that I can't get into here. Meanwhile, I'll be watching Harpo and Iggy and Gimpy out of the corner of my eye. I might even work on a new cartoon of the boys.
I'll be in touch...
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Labels: I hate elections