Have you ever voted in an election for the person you disliked the least? Does it seem sometimes that there are no good choices on the ballot?
In the last civic election I voted for a real estate agent because there was so little to choose from. The field was so bad that the incumbent won easily even though most people agree that he's doing a terrible job. In the last Manitoba provincial election your choices were somebody with no fiscal responsibility, and somebody else promising to be just as irresponsible. Only one person has stepped forth to vie for the leadership of the opposition party after the role was vacated after an embarrassing loss to a party that's running the province into the ground.
At every level of government voting rates are low and trending lower, because there are no inspiring candidates. Voting is an unpleasant task where you have to pinch your nose while checking the box.
While in a twitter conversation with Luc Lewandoski I came up with the best idea ever to resolve this conundrum: Give politicians free Jets tickets! They are a valuable commodity that is sure to attract quality candidates to the political arena. It is a perk that could perk up the field in any political race. The job may be thankless, and you may be scrutinized and criticized at every turn, but tickets to the hottest show in town help to make it all worth while.
The best part: it won't cost taxpayers a dime. Private corporations can provide all the tickets. All we need to do is encourage them. Let's send out the word to all the companies out there with Corporate boxes and season tickets: invite politicians to Jets games! Lots of them! ALL OF THEM!! If they all go to Jets games, then the playing field will still be level.
Let's implement this plan immediately.
Buy Canadian
1 hour ago
Cherenkov ... The Key is TRANSPARENCY and Education.
All Perks must be noted and recorded ... All of Any Kind ...
Hand-in-the-Cookie-Jar ... GONE !
Mis-Behavior ... GONE !
Mandatory College Education
with at least a 75% Passing Grade in Civic, Provincial, and Federal service...
I was being facetious with my post. Yes, perks should be minimal and recorded. there should be transparency.
Not sure I agree with the minimum education requirement. I would be more likely to vote for somebody with significant education, but where do you set the bar? It would be hard to get agreement. I think we're better off leaving that open and letting voters decide.
Cherenkov ...
Don't know where "politicaal Cange Now cam e from ...
I should have said it better ...
A Mandatory College Education
in Civic, Provincial, or Federal Service ...
BEFORE we vote on them they should be Qualified and Documented ...
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