Monday, 14 November 2011

What's the scoop?

I'll give a plug for the new Scoop.It! website for Winnipeg Internet Pundits. This is the link.

Winnipeg Internet Pundits, if you don't know, is a Winnipeg urban-issues type talk radio show on 101.5 UMFM. It features cleaver, witty, and knowledgeable local bloggers James, Walter and Christian; and hosted by the enchanting Tessa. You can catch them once a week on your drive home Wednesdays from 5-6 pm.

Anyhow ... Scoop.It I guess is a new web publishing platform that any schmo can use to make their own 'zine or news aggregator. Isn't the web wonderful? You can jam your Scoop.It full of photos or fill it with nothing but text. Winnipeg Internet Pundits fills theirs with a mix of mainstream media articles and blog posts for a great little scan of Winnipeg news and opinions.

Check it out.


Shaun M Wheeler said...

Cool, thanks! I didn't know about It looks interesting.

Shaun M Wheeler said...

On second thought, having played with it, it looks like little more than a glorified RSS reader...

Anonymous said...

Should probably incorporate stuff from the weeklies in there. I don't know too many ppl who read it, but they do some good work.

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