Friday 7 January 2011

A Wee Angry Scotch Ale

I was lucky enough to get some beer for Christmas. Not your run of the mill beer either, but non-standard beer in non-standard sized bottles. This particular specimen clocks in at 650 ml and 6.5% alcohol. Enough to get a bit of a buzz going if you haven't had supper yet ... like a certain someone I know.

A Wee Angry Scotch Ale is brewed by the Russell Brewing Company in BC. Russell is the outfit that bought Winnipeg's Fort Garry Brewery three years ago. It may very well be the case that this ale was brewed and bottled here in Winnipeg, as opposed to the Russell plant in Surrey. Anyhow, enough talk. Let's tip this thing and see what it's like:

She pours with a thick foamy orangey-tan head that slowly subsides, leaving sticky lacing around the glass. I have a bit of a cold, but even still I can smell the maltiness of the beer. It tastes a little bit of nuts and wood chips, but in a good way. It is very drinkable. There is residual bitterness that stays in the mouth for a good while afterwards, which encourages you to take another slug of beer so you can get back to that wonderful wood chip flavour. It's a vicious cycle, and the reason why I've already had to refill my glass since starting this blog post.

The reviews on Beer Advocate talk about caramel and toffee. Maybe I should eat a caramel just to see if it tastes like wood chips to me with this cold. Regardless, it's tasty yet inoffensive; and your friends will feel inferior to you, with their wee little weak-ass bottles of piss-coloured 5% Budweiser.


the Stiff Rod said...

It's a manly beer.....but I like it too!!

Double Em Martin said...

Out of curiosity, ever gone on an Oregon microbrew binge? Based on this post, I have a carefully formulated hypothesis that you would lose your shit. Scientifically speaking.

cherenkov said...

I have never been there, but I will keep that in mind if I do and will carefully document the results.

Double Em Martin said...

I insist. Imagine walking into a random suburban Safeway in a random suburb. And in the beer aisle, other two forlorn cases of Bud Light, the entire aisle-long cooler is local microbrews with witty titles, seasonal and challenging flavours and walloping alcohol content. It's madness!

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